philip be'er

Trauma Informed Mediation, Counseling,  Dispute & Conflict Resolution

Conflict has always been a part of my life. I grew up in South Africa during Apartheid. At 20, I immigrated to Israel where conflict was an everyday aspect of life. 

While living for nearly a decade in an intentional community, I swore to dedicate my life to helping people deal with conflict and distress.

benefits of mediating

Mediation: When a neutral 3rd party fascilitates your agreement-making process, based on consent.

There are so many mediators to choose from but few have invested as much in self-understanding and self-mastery as I have.

I'm skilled at supporting two hostile parties without picking sides, ensuring that you feel heard and that the environment is safe enough to really hear what the other party may be struggling to convey in a kind way.

In situations where high conflict is present my comfort level is substantially higher than most - I'm rarely phased by displays of narcissism.

Experienced guide

I've supported people who are searching for that way out of conflict in their personal, professional and communal lives for years

Most of my work is done remotely, using Zoom, and I'm available to work in-person in the Victoria, BC region of Canada.

Contracts; Landlords & Tenants; Strata; Institutions; Environment; Workplace; Diversity; Family; Business; Neighbourhood; Community;
Professional Services; Trades


Justice System can be slow and lawyers' fees add up fast.

Mediation tends to be more affordable and quicker than litigation. YOU  are in control, rather than the judge.


The mediator is there to support the parties in reaching an agreement.

Either party can withdraw if they become convinced that consent is unattainable.


Mediators are trained to be neutral fascilitators. Our job is to create and maintain as safe a space as possible, and to elicit respectful conversation between parties to the conflict.


Information shared in Mediation is confidential and is, generally, inadmissable in court.

Articles from the blog

Every Room Becomes Your Prison

Step 1

Debbie Ford opened my eyes to the concept of ‘Shadow’, and my life has never been the same. Here’s a powerful extract from her book, “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers”

The role that emotions play in keeping us safe

Step 1

We use our five senses to discern whether or not we’re in any kind of physical danger, polling our environment millions of times each day for potential ...

As a therapist I’m deeply concerned about how we are sabotaging ...

Step 1

The moment that it becomes ‘broadly socially acceptable’ or desirable for behavior to shift, the transition can occur very rapidly, because failure to maintain one’s place within the shifting consensus will result in loss-of-belonging.

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